
www.3sbio.com 提示:

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3sbio group has always been committed to solving the problem of
clinical drug use for patients, constantly conquering the challenges
of the disease, using high-quality drugs to improve the quality of
life of patients, and working hard for the benefit of human health.

cooperation partners

  • exclusive license for the commercialization of glp-1 products in china

  • exclusive license to develop and commercialize programmed therapeutic cells in greater china

  • exclusive license for the distribution and promotion of insulin products

  • collaboration for clinical development and commercialization of mcm1 in china

  • exclusive partnership to commercialize liposomal products utilizing nanox™ in mainland china

  • priority for potential licensing or development of two ophthalmic-related disease products

  • exclusive right to develop and commercialize remitch in china

  • partnership focused on the development and commercialization of novel bi- and multi-specific antibodies in the field of immuno-oncology

  • collaboration for clinical development and commercialization of multiple biosimilars in china

  • potential licensing priorities for four inner ear disease related research products

  • investment to research and develop early stage cancer drugs